How do I request a verified badge on Facebook?

We encourage admins of verified Pages and profiles to use two-factor authentication.
The verified badge means Facebook has confirmed that the Page or profile is the authentic presence of the public figure or brand it represents.
Verify your profile or Page
You can fill out this form to verify your profile or page.
What are the requirements to apply for a verified badge?
We look at a number of factors when evaluating Facebook Pages and profiles to determine if they're in the public interest and meet our verification criteria.
In addition to following Facebook’s terms of service and community standards, Pages and profiles need to be:
  • Authentic: Represent a real person, registered business or entity.
  • Unique: Be the only presence of this person or business. Only one Page or profile per person or business may be verified, with exceptions for language-specific Pages and profiles. We don't verify general interest Pages and profiles (example: Puppy Memes).
  • Complete: Have an about section, Page or profile photo and recent activity, including at least one post.
  • Notable: Represent a well-known, often searched person, brand or entity. We review Pages and profiles that are featured in multiple news sources, and we don't consider paid or promotional content as sources for review.
If your Page or profile doesn't meet the criteria for a verified badge, there are other ways to let people know it's authentic.
For example, you can link to it from an official website, Instagram profile or Twitter account.
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