How do I delete messages, conversations or photos I've received in Messenger?

Note: You can't delete all your conversations at once, but you can delete individual conversations.
You can delete messages, conversations and photos from your inbox. Keep in mind that this won't delete them from your friend's inbox.
Desktop App
To delete a conversation:
  1. Right click the conversation.
  2. Select Delete Conversation.
  3. Click Delete.
To delete a message or photo:
  1. Open the conversation.
  2. Right click on the message or photo you want to delete.
  3. Select Remove for You.
  4. Click Remove.
Desktop (
To delete a conversation:
  1. Below Chats, hover over the conversation.
  2. Click .
  3. Click Delete > Delete.
To delete a message or photo:
  1. Open the conversation.
  2. Hover over the message or photo you want to delete.
  3. Click More.
  4. Click Remove > Remove.
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